The health, safety and welfare of all employees and the community are equally important to all our operational considerations.
Steve Magill Earthmoving works collectively with every person on-site to ensure a safe workplace for all, whilst complying with the Health & Safety Act and Regulations.
Understanding the importance of health and safety and the ever-changing issues we face in our industry, Steve Magill Earthmoving has engaged Smarter Safety as our specialised consultant to ensure we are kept up to date with any new developments and changes to work, not only health and safety, but also quality and environment.
Steve Magill Earthmoving is committed to making our worksites as safe as possible, and we look forward to safely working together on your next project.
Making the most of today’s technology, Steve Magill Earthmoving’s IMS is available on-site using our online “SmarterScreen" from devices such as smartphones, tablets or laptops; for management, supervisors, staff and even clients; to ensure that forms and procedures are readily accessible. "SmarterScreen” includes:
Steve Magill Earthmoving also subscribes to Smarter Safety‘s “SmarterSupport” program, which provides regular advice, support and automatic updates to comply with changing government regulations.